Thursday, 27 February 2014

Shifting the Diversity Climate

Project Overview:

This exercise will enable students to demonstrate that they have an understanding of how an organizations brand can affect its image to existing and potential employees; students will concentrate, and offer practical solutions on how to change the perception and image of the company to potential recruits, through employerbranding and existing employees through internal branding

Overall Aim:

Students will demonstrate their ability to research and critically evaluate internal branding and HRM.

Assignment 2(Group presentation): Shifting the Diversity Climate: The Sodexo Solution.

This is a group case study analysis; by this time you should have developed a good background to HRM and the need to develop a diversity strategy. This case study is concerned with the implementation of a diversity policy at an international organization, having a diversity policy also add to fact that potential employees see the company as an employer of choice. You may need to conduct additional research to supplement some of the data in the case or to support your ideas. You may also identify that additional criteria to the case analysis outline will make your analysis more robust. If additional analysis criteria are appropriate, you may include it. The criteria for this assessment are:

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