Friday, 28 February 2014

Critically examine how Government attitude and policy towards sport has changed and evolved over the last 25-30 years

This assignment is intended to assess the following learning outcomes:

1.   Evaluate the ideologies that drive policy formulation.
2.   Analyse the processes for formulating policy for the provision of sport and leisure
3.   Review the influence of the policies of planning, best value, health and safety and mega-events and their impact on sport and leisure.
4.   Explain and evaluate the different international perspectives and their policy objectives for government involvement in sport and leisure.
5.   Analyse the main constraints and objectives within which the different sectors operate.
6.   Demonstrate a critical understanding of policy analysis demonstrated through a written report and presentation.

Details of the task

Critically examine how Government attitude and policy towards sport has changed and evolved over the last 25-30 years.

a.    Review, contrast and compare the approaches of two different Governments during this period in relation to the Sport Policy area – i.e. two from the Conservatives under Thatcher or Major, Labour under Blair or Brown and the Coalition Government.

b.   Specific policy areas within sport could be used as examples to illustrate your arguments, for example the different approaches to school sport and P.E. or to the link between sport, physical activity and health or elite performance or 'sport for all'.

c.    Explore similarities and differences and draw on academic sources to support your arguments

d.   To achieve an average grade you should be making use of an absolute minimum of 20 academically referenced sources, with particular emphasis on reports and journals.

e.    See the Grading Criteria sheet below for more guidance on areas you should focus on in your work.

Presentation and submission:
Please follow the guidelines in the section entitled ‘School of Health and Bioscience Guide to Assessment’ in your School Handbook (A Student’s Guide to Success in the School of Health and Bioscience) unless specifically directed otherwise by your module leader.

Module Specific Guidelines on Presentation/Format

All work submitted should be;

  1. On white A4 paper
  2. Double-line spaced
  3. In a minimum of 12-point font
  4. With a 2.5 centimetre border left around the page
  5. Correctly referenced (Harvard Style – see guidance on UEL Plus)
  6. With all pages numbered
  7. Inclusive of a word count (see below)
  8. With your Student number placed on every page in a header or footer
  9. Submitted in a single plastic wallet, unstapled

Word counts:
If the assignment has a word count, the following rules apply:

All words within the text are to be included in the word count. Any work which does not keep within 10% of the set word count will receive a penalty, which will be a deduction of 10% of the marks originally awarded, except in cases where this would take you below the threshold mark for the component.  The word count does not include the list of references at the end of the work.

The student charter for assessment states:
You can expect us to – “offer feedback on assessments, normally within 4 weeks of the hand-in for coursework and 5 weeks following exams”.

For this assessment you can expect to receive feedback in the following ways:

  • Generic feedback will be provided in class within 2 weeks of hand-in
  • Individual work with feedback will be available from the Help Desk within 4 weeks

Reassessment details:

The reassessment details for this component will be released on your UEL Plus site after the semester B field board.

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