Thursday, 27 February 2014

Research to find one professional organization, either locally or nationally, that you feel will provide you with opportunities for professional development and staying current in your are

 Unit 8  Professional Words of Wisdom

"I attend professional conferences and meetings whenever possible to keep my knowledge and skills current. I read trade magazines; carry them in my car to read during down times so I can keep abreast of trends, issues, and new rules and regulations."

- Andrea L. Lee, DPA A. Lee, Professional Questionnaire, November 28, 2012

Learning is a lifelong process. There are many ways that you can earn credit, certification, and knowledge in your field. It does not have to be something as time consuming as a degree. Something as simple as attending a company workshop also counts as professional development. Your employer may offer options for you to participate in trainings. Educational materials are also available through professional organizations and conferences.
Your posts should be in the 100-word range.
Discuss at least three ways that you can gain additional knowledge within your field that will not be a large financial burden on you.

Unit 9   Professional organizations that are specific to career areas are a common way that professionals stay in touch with current issues in their field. For instance, the Business and Professional Women (BPW) is a common group in many cities. They offer workshops, conferences, and meetings that provide opportunities for training, skill building, and networking. Professional Fire Fighters also have similar groups.

Your posts should be in the 100-word range.

Discussion Topic
Research to find one professional organization, either locally or nationally, that you feel will provide you with opportunities for professional development and staying current in your area. Discuss what the organization provides and how it will be a help to you personally.

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