Thursday, 27 February 2014

Ethics Second Edition

Reaction Paper
Write a 3-page reaction paper on Ethics Second Edition by Arthur F. Holmes (see the Introductory Notes to Students for details on writing reaction papers).
Each week you will write a paper describing your reactions to the assigned reading. Each paper should contain the following elements:
 A brief review of the work and a statement on the author's effectiveness in presenting the argument
 A critical assessment of those things with which you agreed
 A critical assessment of those things with which you disagreed
 How the reading affected you personally and professionally

For the critical assessments, you are not only to state those things with which you agreed or disagreed, but you are also to explain why you agreed or disagreed, referencing the exact sections of the text from which you are drawing your argument.
As the paper is only to be four pages in length, do not devote an excessive amount of space on your review of the work. Balance your paper so you have space for a thorough discussion of each of the four required elements of the paper. Your opinion will not be a gradable component of the paper; therefore, the grade will consist of the following:
 How well you understand and present the author's argument
 How well you present and defend your argument
 How well the paper is written from a structural and grammatical perspective (Papers with 10 or more significant grammatical or spelling errors will automatically receive a grade of F.)

Write a 3-page reaction paper on Ethics Second Edition Arthur F. Holmes(see above Notes to Students for details on writing reaction papers). (Sir I have been shorted one page on the last two papers!!!)

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