Thursday, 27 February 2014

ISM Plan - Acme

In this activity, during Weeks 8 and 9, the section will work in teams to prepare an information systems management (ISM) plan for the Acme Mexico City (AMC) store

The plan should address at least the following areas:
•        The objectives of the facility's information system in terms of how it should support the needs of each AMC stakeholder group (define these groups and develop specific information requirements of each).
o        Internal needs will include at least:  store business processes and operations, decision making by employees and managers, strategies to gain competitive advantage, store human resource needs, etc
o        External needs will include at least:  reporting and interface to Acme corporate, meeting Mexican and US government regulatory requirements, fulfillment of supplier and customer expectations in this business sector in Mexico City, etc
•        An overview of the information system design for the store including hardware, software, processing/procedures and staffing recommendations.
•        Training required.
•        Maintenance and future improvements of the system.
•        A planning budget for the above.

Remember that AMC is part of a substantial chain of such stores.  Acme corporate will have (hypothetical) standards, policies and expectations with which Acme Mexico City (AMC) must comply.
You may use or adapt any format of your choice for the ISM plan, as long as it adheres to APA format and allows you to address the requirements above.

I will assume the role of Acme corporate CEO in guiding and evaluating the ISM plan.
A student CIO and Assistant CIO will lead this effort. You may volunteer at any time for these positions.  The CIO may appoint other positions, if desired.

Study group teams typically work together on their inputs to this activity, as tasked by the CIO/Assistant CIO,but the section can structure the work as it sees fit.

Your Study Group Team areas remain available, but a 'Section-Wide' Group has also been created.
 However the effort is structured, it should be documented by the CIO/Assistant CIO in a Team Work Plan.
Why two weeks for this assignment? It is because a succinct but well written submission is expected -- and previous AMBA 640 sections have frequently asked for two weeks to do a thorough job from which they can derive maximum learning.

At the end of this week 8 the CIO should create a main topic titled "AMC ISM Team Work Plan-Final" in this conference and attach the relevant .pdf file.  Name the file TeamWorkPlan.  The actual ISM plan is due at the end of Week 9, on Tuesday, 4 March 2014.
As always, let me, our FA, and/or our volunteer Acme corporate CIO/Assistant CIO, who will be managing development of the plan, have any questions.

Here's an Information Management Plan for an Acme store in Canada: Acme Canada IMP.

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