Thursday, 27 February 2014

Business and Management

The major is public administration and the course is Administrative regulation and law. the course level is master.
you are going to Read chapter 5 in Rosenbloom and review the lecture, videos and PDF files attached.
First post: Go to a state other than California and look up the open meeting laws, privacy laws, OR FOIA laws. Briefly report (250 words or so) on what you discover, especially variances from the Federal model. For example, California open meeting laws are covered in Government Code Sections 11120-11132 and 54950-63. You would read these sections, analyze them, and report to your group on what you discover.

Second( you going to do it later in Thursday ): Comment on ONE colleague. ALSO, Generate an FOIA request. Use an FOIA request generator. Feel free to make up the facts of the request; I am interested in the process and the form. However, you MUST provide a rationale why such a letter might be necessary in the case that you make up! Copy the letter you create and attach it as a word document or you can paste it into the reply. This second assignment can be done quickly.

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