Saturday, 1 March 2014

Correspondence 2 Assignment - Sony Security Breach

Correspondence 2 Assignment - Sony Security Breach

In this assignment, you are responsible for writing a communications response to the public as the PlayStation Network manager. Your correspondence will address the security breach, state what happened, and explain the company’s response to the situation in the form of a simulated blog post on the Sony website (of course you will not actually go to and post on that website). In other words, you will write a blog entry explaining what happened and how Sony will address it.
Lesson 4

   How to Write a Blog Entry - WATCH FOR CORRESPONDENCE 2
   Security Breach at Sony CNBC Report
   Sony Security Breach - Interview with Hotz Before the Attack
   Sony Hack Attack Video
   Correspondence 2 Assignment - Sony Security Breach
   Lesson 4 Checklist

Watch this TedEd video to learn how to write a blog entry.
How to Write a Blog Entry-WATCH FOR CORRESPONDENCE 2
Outside URL:


Security Breach at Sony CNBC Report
Outside URL:


Sony Security Breach-Interview with Hotz Before the Attack
Outside URL:


Sony Hack Attack Video
Outside URL:



Correspondence 2 Assignment - Sony Security Breach

In this assignment, you are responsible for writing a communications response to the public as the PlayStation Network manager. Your correspondence will address the security breach, state what happened, and explain the company’s response to the situation in the form of a simulated blog post on the Sony website (of course you will not actually go to and post on that website).  In other words, you will write a blog entry explaining what happened and how Sony will address it.
                  Watch the videos on TedEd.
                  Answer all questions in the Think,” “Dig Deeper,” and “Discuss” sections of the TedEd videos.
                  Who are the major stakeholders that Sony must consider when developing the communication response?
                  List and prioritize the information Sony needs to include in its response
Your Blog Post Must Contain:
  1.             Headline
  2.             Three to four sentence opening
  3.             Image
  4.             Sub-heading
  5.             Main content
  6.             Key phrase, statement or quote
  7.             Links
  8.             Closing
The following business communication skills are developed in this assignment:
Using information technology; initiating open discussion; resolving conflict; writing business correspondence; being persuasive; relating to people of diverse backgrounds.

Lesson 4 Checklist

-Watch the videos and participate in TedEd discussions.

-Start working on your second correspondence assignment right away.

-complete Write Experience assignments.

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